2021-2022 HKUST Cryo-EM Winter workshop on single particle analysis for academic users

The Biological Cryo-EM Center, generously supported by a donation from the Lo Kwee Seong Foundation at HKUST in 2018, is running very smooth since setting-up, providing services for more than 30 local research groups. As the first integrated cryo-EM center in Hong Kong, the mission of the facility is to support advanced studies in the field of life science, medical science, biology and other related.


To encourage more domestic users getting familiar with us and having access to the center for their researches, we are hosting a mini-workshop this winter, Jan 14th – 16th, 2022. The programme will cover the workflow of single particle analysis (SPA) from sample screening by negative staining, cryo-specimen preparation, data collection (EPU), and introduction to data processing.


The size of the workshop is limited to 18 attendees for efficient communication. The organiser will decide the final list of attendees and inform via email.


Programme: see Appendix I


For registration, please send email to the address, cryoem.hkust@gmail.com and write the email title as “Name – Organisation/Institute – Department – Mphil/PhD/RA etc.”

Cost: HKD $600 each attendee (for workshop only).

End registration by Dec 20th, 2021.

Attendees list will be announced by email on Dec 23th.